Religious Education

One of the major events in the faith and mission life of the College is the Year 12 Retreat, which was held from 3 to 5 March at Rutherford Park in Blampied. This was a major and important event in the spiritual life of our Year 12 girls, and one that was a meaningful and significant experience. 


As the name suggests a retreat means to withdraw and leave things and people behind. This is to enable all the participants to be able to reflect on who they are, and with the help of their fellow students and their teachers, come to a deeper understanding of themselves and God. It also gives the girls an opportunity to experience a time of quiet and peace – a rare thing in our busy and increasingly noisy world. 


In his book “Common Prayers Collection” Michael Leunig encapsulates the importance of this special time beautifully:


Dear God,


We give thanks for places of simplicity and peace. Let us find such a place within ourselves. We give thanks for places of refuge and beauty. Let us find such a place within ourselves. We give thanks for places of nature’s truth and freedom, of joy, inspiration and renewal, places where all creatures may find acceptance and belonging. Let us search for these places: in the world, in ourselves and in others. Let us restore them. Let us strengthen and protect them and let us create them.


May we mend this outer world according to the truth of our inner life and may our soul be shaped and nourished by nature’s eternal wisdom.




Staff worked collaboratively and purposefully during the retreat to support students in navigating their search for such places of simplicity and peace. We thank Ms Cate Jacka who prepared the retreat program, and all of the staff who led the retreat, for their commitment, wisdom and their preparedness to share their own faith journey. 


We invite your prayers for all the members of the Kilbreda College community, that they will find places of simplicity and peace, especially those who are most in need of God’s loving care at this time.


Bill Fitzsimons

Religious Education Teacher