Year 11

This year has been a big step for us Year 11 students who are transitioning into VCE. This week, the students undertaking a Unit 3/4 subject had the opportunity to learn how to prepare for the GAT alongside the Year 12 students. It was an awesome learning experience for us as we were exposed to what next year has in store for us, whilst also preparing ourselves for the daunting GAT.


For the rest of us, in our 1/2 subjects we have had the introduction to SACs.


Maddison Torpey

Year 11


This year at the College, we have had the opportunity to participate in many extracurricular activities with other schools, one of them being St Bede’s College (both their Mentone and East Bentleigh campuses). 


I have been fortunate enough to be working with St Bede’s East Bentleigh in their production, ‘The Bald Prima Donna’.The Bald Prima Donna’ is a very absurd play; however, it has been very thrilling to work with them! Our cast only consists of six people and I am playing the role of Mrs Smith who is the very outgoing and argumentative wife of Mr Smith.


Right now, we are two weeks out from the performance date, which is 27 May. We are nervous yet very excited to perform once again! 


Isabelle La Prade 

Year 11