
While researching the article for the last newsletter regarding classroom names, I happened to bump into Sr Veronica Joyce, who lives in Commercial Road, Mentone. While Veronica couldn’t recall specific class names, she was inspired to go through her photos and check. While this led to no further information about classroom names, Veronica proceeded to produce seven photos of her time here at the College, none of which I had seen before! This is quite remarkable as I’ve seen many images of Kilbreda and Kilbreda students.


One of those was Veronica’s 'leaving class' from 1956, which is shown in the main image. In our Archives, there are only two official class photos from that year. This one and a prep photo donated a few years ago bringing the total to four. So, where are all the others? Unfortunately, the annual magazine provides no help. For some reason, an annual was not compiled in 1956 or 1957. As a result, a combined annual of 1956-8 was published. It contains only a few pages on 1956 and the same for 1957. Hopefully there may be other students from this period out there who may be able to fill in the gaps.


Here are the images:

However, there are three other images below that are of interest. One appears to be a professionally taken shot of Mother Winifride Nihill leading the Kilbreda House to the Sports Day at St Bede’s Oval. It looks as though it could have been taken yesterday as most of the houses in the picture are still there! The group is about to cross Naples Street, dressed in full uniform including blazers, but with runners on. 

The other photo shows the group in a relaxed group shot without blazers, seemingly ready for some sporting action. Note the green ribbon denoting the house around their waists.

Another shows Veronica’s sister Aileen, 1954 College Captain, carrying the banner with Sports Captain, Madeleine Bayard.


Damian Smith
