VCAL Senior Individual Project

The Year 12 students are currently developing their Individual Leadership Projects. Each student is required to lead a session on a topic of their choice with the Senior and Intermediate VCAL students. The employability skills are utilised consistently, as the students plan, prepare, create and resource their projects. 


We extend a warm welcome to Emma McCulloch who has joined our group. Emma is in the process of deciding her topic.


The other Individual Leadership Projects are:

Molly Kerr - Body Positivity

Jerzie Vernall - Introducing Bootcamp

Amelia Carter-Watson – Developmental Play

Ashlie Croughan – Natural Makeup

Jasmine King – Soft Glam Look

Ewa Slifierz – Nature Wise

Mairead Manders – Dog Grooming

Olivia Garlick – Self-Love and Gratitude

Melissa Beninati – Hair Care and Curling

Teagan Hyland – The Five Stages of Grief

Ellie Andronis – Managing Stress through Art

Community Partnership

The VCAL Senior students have commenced a Community Partnership with Yarrabah School. On Tuesday 27 April, Yarrabah school staff, Lisa Wilson, Megan Bloom and Maike Creaser, led an information session for our students which enabled them to understand with more clarity, the obstacles students with disabilities encounter in their everyday lives. 


Over the next two terms, Kilbreda and Yarrabah students will work collaboratively on the 'Smiles Café' initiative. Their goal is to engage in an Art program and create pieces that provide an aesthetically welcoming space for Yarrabah School and the wider community to share and enjoy. 


The students are very excited about this project. I have no doubt that they will learn with wonder, lead with courage, and act with compassion.


Jennifer Gamble 

VCAL Leader 

VCAL Enrichment Day

The Year 11 and 12 VCAL students completed a first aid and a CPR course for our Enrichment Day activity. This course is going to be so helpful for us in the future with any kind of job. 


Our presenters were so nice and very enthusiastic whilst teaching us. They made sure it was fun and interesting at the same time and we were able to participate in practising giving CPR to a dummy and seeing what it is like to give an epipen to a person who needs it. 


We also learnt how to see if a person is either unconscious or in cardiac arrest. It was one of the best courses I have taken this year. 


Kaitlyn Baileu

Year 11


On 2 May, Year 11 and 12 VCAL students were given a presentation by Sonja and Michael, in learning how to become qualified first aid trainers. We were shown how to do correct CPR on a patient by practising on a dummy. We also learnt the correct method for bandaging a patient with blood loss and a snake bite.  


We now have the qualifications to assist in saving lives when we go into the workforce and we know what to expect if these things happen in real life.

Ewa Slifierz 

Year 12


Pancake Fundraiser

Last term, the Intermediate and Senior VCAL students organised a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Fundraiser to raise money for Caritas. This was a complex project that required all students to communicate clearly and ensure they completed their assigned jobs. 


We spent considerable time planning the various stages of the project. We had to make sure our budgeting was accurate and that we gathered all of the appropriate materials to run a successful event. Of course, COVID-19 struck again and the event was postponed!


On 9 March, the VCAL girls sprang into action to produce delicious pancakes. We received great feedback from students and staff. It felt wonderful to work together and raise money for people less fortunate than ourselves. We raised over $200!


Ewa Slifierz and 

Amelia Carter-Watson

Year 12