Student Leadership

The School for Student Leadership
Rebecca Black, Jasmyn Priest and I, Shanay Jacobs, were given the opportunity to attend The School for Student Leadership (SSL) in east Gippsland at the Snowy River Campus during term 2. The school specializes in teaching student leadership, resilience, teamwork, empathy, health and wellbeing, respectful relationships, caring for the environment, emotional management, and collaboration.
During our time here we have met many people that will grow into lifelong friends and learnt many things like how to deal with conflict, respectful relations, and emotional management due to our time away from home and life skills like tying knots and hiking.
We have to plan a Community Learning Project (CLP), so far, our idea revolves around helping grade one students practice their literacy skills. As a way of helping the community we want to encourage kids to be curious and creative through storytelling. Our program is called ‘Learn and Laugh’, teaching kids with a smile on their face.
Staying at the SSL has proven to be difficult at times because we live away from home without our phones. We stay in rooms with one other person and luckily everyone here is super nice. Being away from home is challenging and many people have begun feeling homesick, but we just have to work through it together. Everyone here at the SSL works as a collective unit and deals with problems together. If a problem arises, we sit together and work through it as a community. You can already tell how much everyone has grown from when we first arrived here, some have grown to be more confident, others more respectful and in all, better leaders.
Rather than working on Mathematics and English like normal class we do things around personal development, teamwork, and leadership. We are often pushed out of our comfort zones. We do challenging tasks that push our bodies and minds. Whether it is surfing, mountain bike riding, hiking, camping, or team building we learn new skills and persevere through challenging tasks.
In all we are having a great time here and learning so many things, we are so grateful to be offered such an amazing opportunity. We would like to thank the House Leaders, Mrs Tolley and Mrs McMillan for choosing the three of us to attend the school and we will make the most of it.
Shanay Jacobs 9D
School-Based Traineeships
There are many leadership opportunities at MFG. In our VCAL & VCE Programs students undertake Traineeships.
Jazmin Taylor is working in Aged Care at Brentwood as part of her school-based traineeship in Health Services Assistance.
Jazmin’s supervisor, Heather, has recently reported that Jazmin really brightens up the days of the residents.
MFG congratulates Jazmin on leading by example and making the most of the opportunities she is experiencing through this program.