New Challenges

The COVID-19 isolation presented us with challenges as we changed our normal way of moving and interacting. As restrictions ease and we are now encouraged to move more freely, I am left to ponder new challenges that are presenting themselves.


During the time of COVID-19 isolation I found my normal routines were completely disrupted. This meant that I had to adjust to new ways of being and coping. Thankfully, there were myriad places to go to seek advice. The Be You website , Reachout and our colleagues at the Association of Independent Schools offered excellent advice about how to adjust to the changes. One of the biggest challenges I found was that my new disrupted routine was forcing me to slow down.


Rather than be a hindrance to my wellbeing it was actually advantageous. My mornings were slower, I went to bed earlier, I began walking in the morning, I read more and I stayed home more often. This meant that I was spending more time with the children, cooking, doing chores together, watching shows or just listening to them talk about stuff. In fact the increased family time enforced upon us during the COVID-19 isolation is the one thing we all agreed was a positive.


As restrictions ease and we are encouraged to go back to a normal, pre COVID-19 isolation life, the big challenge for me will be how can I retain all those slow, mindful behaviours that I have come to appreciate as positives for my wellbeing?


A final word. Remember to sanitise your hands frequently and thoroughly. Keep practicing social distancing and keep informed via reputable news sources and presenters.









Ross Kennedy | Acting Director of Students