News from Around the School
Remote Learning
Mr Carlisle and 4A regularly have fun morning meetings such as "bring your pet to school" and "wear a crazy hat". They have also had the chance to wear pyjamas for the whole day!
QoP Students Share Their Talents From Home
Earlier this week, Jamie C (5A) entertained the class with "The Imperial March." A great way to begin our day! Thanks for sharing your talent Jamie! - Mrs McColl
Family Engagement in Learning
You can support your child by:
-having a routine and setting expectations
-making sure your child has a space to work in
-providing a level of supervision suitable to your child’s stage of development and individual needs
-monitoring communications from teachers
-checking in with your child often to help them manage and pace their work
-monitoring how much time your child is spending online. Read more here.
Staff Stay Happy
Have you seen the video yet? Special thanks to Mrs Palamara, Family Engagement Leader for her work compiling this entertaining video! We hope it puts a smile on everyone's face. Click this link to view: QoP "Happy" video on Facebook
Can You help?
Please consider supporting the Woronka family,
CLICK HERE FOR THE GoFundMe PAGE. Thanks to the generosity of our community, they are now half way to reaching their goal.
Riley and Cooper are Year 1 students here at QoP and their parents are hoping to raise funds for a wheelchair-accessible van needed in the very near future and to also save for a home they can call their own, one they will be able to modify and adapt as they boys' needs they will need in the near future. Mum Rebekah has posted a photo of the twins in the mobility scooter they recently received.
CareMonkey is Changing its Name
Our digital forms provider, CareMonkey, is rebranding. During w/c Monday 3 August they will become ‘Operoo’. There is no requirement for you to do anything. How you use the service, as well as the ownership and operation of the company, will remain unchanged. You can continue using the system and its mobile application as usual. Just be aware that next week, emails and notifications sent from the system will start appearing under the new name Operoo. You will also be automatically diverted to the new Operoo website if you go to the old CareMonkey website.
Winter Uniform
Click here for the ORDER FORM.
Orders can be emailed to the new dedicated email address:
We will contact you to let you know when your order is ready and can be collected from the front office.
CLICK HERE to read the Uniform Policy or refer to the 2020 INFORMATION BOOKLET: The winter uniform should be worn during Term 2 and 3 however, we strongly suggest to parents that they have their children wear the uniform which is most comfortable for any particular day.
*Winter beanies are available for sale and the preferred option, however if you already another style at home your child is most welcome to wear this instead.
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) on School Students with Disability
Information sheets attached for parents:
Translated versions:
School Photo Day
Postponed to Tuesday 20 October. The office has securely stored all previously received orders.
Keep an eye on our facebook page
Mrs Belinda Palamara - QoP's Family Engagement in Learning Leader, regularly posts photos of school happenings to share with our families and the community. There are also links for informative and thought-provoking articles for you to read.