Wellness Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday - A time to think creatively, a time to be mindful and a time to re-set.


As a school we have been learning remotely now for 5 weeks. In this time we have learnt how to use new platforms, we have connected with our teachers and classmates and we have engaged in some pretty fantastic learning.


We have decided to add a new idea into the mix. A special day each week, devoted to doing things a little differently, having fun and reducing the pressure of students, families and teachers. 


We call it… Wellness Wednesday.


  • Wellness Wednesday’ will take the place of all regular activities on Wednesdays.
  • There will be a different theme for ‘Wellness Wednesday’ each week
  • Activities are designed for students to be creative, mostly screen-free and to use materials which are readily available to them. E.g. Lego, recycled materials, etc...
  • Students will continue to have a daily connection on these days—and the theme and tasks will be launched.
  • Whilst the introductory exercise is compulsory, the tasks are given as suggestions and options. Students may come up with one or two of their own.
  • Students should undertake a minimum of 1-2 tasks.
  • The tasks will not be marked but students will be invited to share them with their classmates on Seesaw or Google Classroom from Wednesday to Friday.

Our first Wellness Wednesday tasks will be uploaded to your child's Seesaw or Google Classroom feed tomorrow (Wednesday 20th May) morning. 


We hope that they enjoy this nchange of pace and focus and can work with an independence that also provides a break for our many multi-tasking families.