Meet Our Team 

           Name: Toko


Describe yourself in 3 words:

Persevering, friendly and honest

What do you like most about your job?

To see children opening-up their minds to Japanese language and culture.

Favourite Food:

Okonomiyaki (Japanese savory pancake)

What book are you currently reading?

'Let your mind run' by Deena Kastor

Best holiday spot:

Beach – any beaches are lovely.

Favourite childhood memory:

When I was young in Japan, I used to live near a beautiful river. I spent a lot of time there with my friends catching tadpoles, small shellfish, throwing stones, putting feet in and so on. We never got bored. 



Funny incident:

This incident happened about 20 years ago when we used to live in Japan. One morning about 5 am in the middle of summer, someone was knocking on our front door, and we jumped out of bed and rushed to the door downstairs. Surprise, surprise… our 4-year-old son Jesse was standing on the other side of the door, escorted by 2 police officers. They said a group of young teenagers called the police to say that a little boy was sitting on the swing in the park by himself (the park was opposite our house). The officers believed Jesse did a sleepwalk in the middle of night. He walked down the stairs, opened the door and went out. Who knows how long he was out….very lucky boy!  And very lucky parents!! After that we put a lock on the door which he couldn’t reach so we could get a peaceful night’s sleep. It’s very funny now but quite scary at the time.

Hobbies/ Interests/ Sport:

Running, making Japanese Sweets (Wagashi), Sudoku

Best personality trait:

Organised (at least I’m trying to be…..)

Worst personality trait:

I’m a bit of a control-freak (only for family, I think)

Best film:

'My Neighbor Totoro' by Studio Ghibli

Favourite television show:

I’m a big fan of 'Dancing with Stars'.