
Return to school social story

The Speech Therapy team have created a social story to help prepare students for their return to school.

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Parent Morning Tea

It was wonderful to see so many parents and carers attending our morning tea with Matt on Thursday. We have attached the video of the morning tea for families who were unable to join in on the day.

(Official start at 6 minutes, 52 seconds)

Happy Birthday to our students who celebrate their Birthdays in May!

  • Ben B - May 15th
  • Esteban - May 16th
  • Declan M - May 17th
  • Roman - May 18th
  • Nathan B - May 19th
  • Altair - May 20th
  • Ruby - May 20th
  • Isaiah - May 21st
  • Nicholas K - May 23rd
  • Thomas D - May 29th
  • William - May 30th