Art News

Year 7 Research Project

Year 7J  were set the task of researching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (specifically Alick Tipoti) design motifs and the Elements of Art, before designing their own owls. They then coloured the owls using their knowledge of colour theory.


Year 8 Digital Art

Year 8 Digital Art Mandala Project.

The Year 8 Digital Art students studied and practiced the Buddhist concept of mindfulness and the pursuit of quiet perfection in creating meticulous mandalas. They used a program called Autodesk Sketchbook. Students also researched Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander design motifs, which they incorporated into their project.

8 Bit Art project

Students completed their 8Bit Art project during Remote Learning. Their Class Notebooks are a joy to look at as they added their research and design progress in their own sections. They then completed their artworks using the 8Bit Art software. A number of students completed the extension project which was to make an animation using the 8 Bit artwork design:


Year 9 Barbara Kruger Digital Art

Students used whatever software platform they preferred to produce a Barbara Kruger style artwork emphasizing an idea or opinion.

Unit 1 VCE Art 

Fantasy -Surrealism Project

Unit 1 VCE Art students did an amazing job exploring the use of different materials, techniques and processes, during the ‘remote learning’ period. Experimentation with arts media and the elements and principles of art – as well as researching Street Art in Melbourne and globally. This project was based on exploring digital media and culminating in spray painting individually and collaboratively. Some of these artworks are still in the making!


Identity Crises Project

Unit 1 VCE Art students did an amazing job exploring the use of different materials, techniques and processes in creating identity related artworks.


Lea Gilbert

Art Leader