Year 9 News

Lockdown Legends

Year 9 students who are doing such a fantastic job with their school work during remote learning.  So many of you have been receiving from your teachers ‘Positive Behaviour’ posts for your excellent attitude and effort during this time.We would like to congratulate you all on a job well done but also celebrate those students who received so many positive posts. 


Remote Learning Legends are:


Week 1

Angus Jeanes
Shelby Potter
James Kent
Eden Parry
Angus Jeanes
Shelby Potter
James Kent
Eden Parry


Week 2

Emily Rogan
Kohan Brennan
Sidney Rawlins
Natasha Di Nicolantonio
Emily Rogan
Kohan Brennan
Sidney Rawlins
Natasha Di Nicolantonio


Week 3

Deacon Bogaars
River Dyer
Jack Fensome
Jacinta Keating
Deacon Bogaars
River Dyer
Jack Fensome
Jacinta Keating

Mind, Body and Movement


The Year 9 Mind, Body and Movement class performed their group dances at the end of term 2. The students worked in groups and chose their own music and created their own choreography for the dances.  The dances combined the different genres of dance that the students studied over the semester. 


Alex Canton