Year 7 News

Lockdown Legends

Congratulations to all the wonderful Year 7 students who are doing such a fantastic job with their school work during remote learning.  So many of you have been receiving from your teachers ‘Positive Behaviour’ posts for your excellent attitude and effort during this time.


We would like to congratulate you all on a job well done but also celebrate those students who received so many positive posts


Week 1 Legends:

Eva Jenkins
Kylah Meade
Lily Horsley
Ryan Hobson
Eva Jenkins
Kylah Meade
Lily Horsley
Ryan Hobson

Week 2 Legends

Fraer Dentry
James Segrave
Maya Evans
Royce Lyne
Tehya Baard
William Pluke-Fullard
Fraer Dentry
James Segrave
Maya Evans
Royce Lyne
Tehya Baard
William Pluke-Fullard


Jo Reeman

Year 7 Team Leader


Remote Learning Reflections:

Following are some reflections and photos of learning spaces some of our wonderful Year 7 students have shared:


Natasha Fraker

The first time we did online learning I really enjoyed it! It was nice to take some time for myself and work independently but now, being back in remote learning I’m tired of getting the same work we did last time. I’m finding that I miss the hands on activities we do at school because instead we are on our laptops for six hours everyday.  But realistically the fact of just being back onto online learning, back at square one (or even further behind square one) can be really draining. But with the help of my friends online learning is still manageable.


Amelia Eckersley

I enjoy online school because I feel more comfortable and relaxed as you get to leave at your own time and you're not cold. I don’t like how we don’t get to see our friends.







Ryan Hobson

I have been doing just fine because with my cat and my friends to annoy me I can keep sane and not go insane from the lockdown.  So all in all I'm doing fine.







Lily Horsley

I have really enjoyed remote learning, I like being able to work in my own home without the distractions of the rest of the class (and if anyone is being too loud I just take my headphones off).   Even though I miss my friends and the school grounds, at home I can just sip on my tea whilst writing a persuasive piece for English.







Cyril Padnit

I’m always staying in my room.  I can focus doing my work. I don’t want to get distracted.







Nathan Turco

I have really enjoyed online learning because it is relaxed and you can eat whenever you like and it is really easy to do work with no distractions and it is really enjoyable.






Sam Peters

This is my learning space where there is a lot of light and where I am comfortable and have room.  I'm really liking online school because it's not as hard as normal school and it's not so much stress.  The only annoying thing about online school is asking the teachers for help, it's hard to message them asking for help and then hard to understand the message but overall online school is really good and I'd rather it more than actual school .






Lilyana Holder

I don’t like home learning. I don’t like not being able to see anyone whilst I work. I don’t like being on my computer all day. I don’t like how long it takes to send photos of work. But I do like waking up late and wearing slippers. It is what it is.