Principal's Update

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students


Welcome to this jam-packed edition of our college newsletter.  Since presenting our newsletter in an e-format we are able to include more photos and images so you can see for yourself what a vibrant college we have. 


Our students are so talented and creative. You can read accounts of how some of our students are feeling about working from home and their honest responses. This information helps us to find the best ways to engage students learning online. There are photos of students working, being creative as well as photos of completed tasks. Other highlights of this edition include our year 9 students who participated in the Morrisby interviews; a platform for career insights. These interviews were held at school and provided valuable insights for students before making their 2021 course selection.


There is a great deal of wonderful art work on display and there is an entry form for students to present their designs in the fashion show. The Read-a-thon has been popular with students and staff and the PE department have provided a 5 week physical challenge.  In addition to the many highlights there is a list of dates for VCE students. 


Thank you for your ongoing support at this time. I am very proud of my staff and students who continue to do their best.


Stay safe


Linda Stanton
