Bonjour à tous!


J'espère que vous êtes en pleine forme (I hope you are doing very well).

Aujourd'hui (today), I am showing you some examples of the portfolio tasks that the students are working on. Except for the Prep students who did a task on French colours, all other students are completing an exercise on the topic of  'la nourriture' (food)


1. Grades 1 and 2 

After we did a whole class revision of the vocabulary learnt this Term, the students had to match the words with the pictures and use this sheet to label, on their own, the food on the breakfast table.

2. Grades 3 and 4

The students are able to use various French articles in front of nouns and understand that there are three different words to translate 'the' in French, three words to translate 'some' and two words to translate 'a'. This depends on the gender of the noun and whether it is singular or plural.

3. Grades 5 and 6

At this level, the students are able to use articles and food vocabulary in full sentences. They are able to write a conversation between a waiter and a client in a restaurant or a café. They have learned how to express a choice ('Je voudrais...' - 'I would like...') and can start and end a conversation politely.

Voilà, c'est tout pour cette semaine. (Well, that's it for this week).

Bonne fin de semaine et à bientôt! (Enjoy the end of the week and talk to you again soon!)

