Our Catholic Faith

The Prayer of the Community

For the World …


The seed must be planted in order for the Kingdom to come, O God:

Planted by small groups working quietly but effectively for peace.

Planted by neighbourhood groups who provide start-up money to newcomers searching for new work.

Planted by those with new and inclusive vision who are dissatisfied with the political order.

Planted by those ignored and discriminated against who are banding together to bring change.

The seed is planted, the plant is watered, and the fruit is harvested. God’s Kingdom will come.


For the Oppressed …


The seed must be planted in order for the Kingdom to come, O God:

Watered by those who speak out for the rights of working people and advocate on their behalf. Watered by those who stay beside the depressed and lonely and give them hope.

Watered by those who encourage and support the sick and troubled.

Watered by the gentle presence of persons who hear the anger and grief of the bereaved.

The seed is planted, the plant is watered, and the fruit is harvested. God’s Kingdom will come.


For the Church …


The seed must be planted in order for the Kingdom to come, O God:

Harvested by those who have a spiritual hunger and will not rest until that hunger is satisfied. Harvested by those who stand among the faithful and are not afraid to speak of their beliefs. Harvested by those who believe in the local church and give and work for its healthy growth. Harvested by those whose vision is broad enough to take in the wider church and its partners overseas.

The seed is planted, the plant is watered, and the fruit is harvested. God’s Kingdom will come.


For Ourselves …


The seed must be planted in order for the Kingdom to come, O God:

The mustard seed – political representatives are lobbied to ensure that people are treated justly. The mustard seed – the parents of a child who has to wait months for an operation writes to authorities.

The mustard seed – the spouse of a person who has Alzheimer’s gets together with others to form a group.

The mustard seed – the family of a patient who is terminally ill works with others to provide a hospice.

 Count us in, Loving God, among those who plant and water and harvest the good seed.

 Count us in as individuals, count us in as a community of your faithful people.