This Week in the Library

Welcome to week 5, it's hard to believe we are nearly halfway through the term already. This week we are continuing to explore how books can be either fiction or non-fiction and moving onto how they are organised within a library. Some may say that the Dewey Decimal System is the rather unglamorous side of librarianship, but I will be doing my best to inspire students (possibly only the ones who like to be super organised) to see the significant innovation one Mr Melvil Dewey introduced which revolutionised libraries across the world. It could be a challenge, I suspect.

National Simultaneous Storytime Day

Last Wednesday, 22nd May 2019, Holy Trinity School joined with schools, preschools and libraries across Australia to participate in the National Simultaneous Storytime Day, an initiative by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) aimed to promote the value of reading and literacy. Classes across the school either read the book or watched ‘Alpacas With Maracas’ being read by author Matt Cosgrove on a smart board. It was the third instalment of the Macca series and once children listened to the story, they were able to enjoy a variety of art activities as well. This year there were over one million participants in 8,255 registered locations, it was great to be a part of this valuable program. To view a thank you for participating from Matt Cosgrove, go to the following link.

Quick Reminders

Scholastic Book Club - this term’s catalogue will be coming in the next couple of weeks

Library Bags - I have run out of plastic bags that I use when students forget their library bags so if anyone has some spares they could kindly send in, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Overdue Books - if your child has lost their library book, please just send a note in with your child so we can take it off their record. Usually, these books are found at another time or in some random place, so please don’t worry, we understand that this happens.

Premier’s Reading Challenge - don’t forget to keep reading and logging your books onto the PRC website. Once you have read the required number of books to complete your challenge, print off the Personal Reading Log and have your child bring it into the library for me to validate. Thanks for your continued support of this great program.

CBCA Book of the Year - Early Childhood

This week we continue to look at the shortlisted books in the Early Childhood category of the 2019 Children’s Book Council of Australia, Book of the Year Awards. We have received these books in our library already and I'm looking forward to reading them with our students' next term, they’re beautiful stories. The tip for this category is ‘Rainbow Bear’ by Stephen Micahel King.  Entries in this category may be fiction, drama or poetry and should be appropriate in style and content for children who are at pre-reading or early stages of reading, aged 0-6 years.

Heads and Tails: Insects - John Canty

The Dress-Up Box - Patrick Guest

Noni the Pony Rescues a Joey - Alison Lester

Tricky’s Bad Day - Alison Lester

Here Comes Stinkbug - Tohby Riddle


I will leave you with a quote about the importance of reading from Melvil Dewey, I hope you have a great week.

Mrs Fraser