From the Assistant Principal 

Award Recipients

Congratulations to last week’s award recipients: Levi Swadling, Zayne Cleal, Harper Will, Ronnie Akhurst-Powell, Kaye Sarsaba, Harrison Slee, Xian Zapata, Mirriama Nasilasila, Fred O’Brien, Beau Butcher, Chloe Bannerman, Scarlett Shepherd, Leo Schiller, Carter Cumming, Cooper Nelson, Lacey Taylor, Liam Colley, Shannique Dick, Jonah Moore, Piper Richards, Lucas Stewart, Ben Goodwin, Elizabeth Scott, Daniel Griffey, Eliza McNamara, Mack Stewart, Ellie Miller, Jack Jellicoe, Madyson Higgins, Halina Huynh, Elka Gobbert, Sam Mitrega, Max McLennan and Charlize Farrell.

Catholic Schools Week

This week is Catholic Schools Week. On Thursday we will be having open classrooms for you to drop in and see what your child has been doing and then following we would love for you to join your child for a Picnic on the front lawn.

Winter Uniform

Students should be in full school winter uniform as of 1 June. If you have any issues with this or your child is out of uniform for a particular reason, could you please send in a note to their classroom teacher or speak to Mrs Dal Santo. This includes ties.

Collecting Children from School

A reminder that school finishes at 3:20pm. Please don’t wait near classrooms or in wet-areas as this can be distracting to the children. It is fine to wait in the breeze-way or at the front of the school if you are collecting children. Students are supervised at waiting tree and bus lines until 3:45pm. If you are running late to collect your child can you please contact the office. A number of the children are becoming confused as to whether they should be on the bus or are being collected at the ‘Waiting Tree/Kiss and Drop Zone’. It would be helpful if you could send a note with your child if this changes day-to-day so as they can check where the correct place is if they get confused.

Epi Pens & Ventolin

Could you please remind your child that students need to bring Epi Pens and Ventolin sprays with them to Sport and other activities when we leave school. We always have emergency supplies with us in the First Aid Kits, but it is essential for your child’s safety that they are encouraged and regularly reminded to bring their own if a practioner has identified they require one. If you have not notified the school about changes in your child’s medical needs, please do so as soon as possible.