Catholic Schools Week Open Day and Picnic

Tomorrow our Year 10 students will represent our school at the CSW Mass at the Cathedral in Armidale.

On Thursday 30 May we will be having our annual Catholic Schools Week Picnic on the Front Lawn. Classrooms will be open for a visit from 12:30pm if you would like to pop in and have a look around.

The picnic will start at 1pm. Bring a picnic rug or chairs. Pack a picnic/takeaway lunch and celebrate being part of our great community. Everyone welcome!

Prayer for Parents Information Session

Come along this evening at 5pm to join Mrs Guest and myself for an information session on prayer. Nibbles provided and children are welcome. It should go for around 40 minutes.


To our Primary students who participated in Gala Day last Friday and to our teachers who organised this Diocesan carnival

To our Ag Team led by Mrs Townsend for a very successful Casino Beef Week competition

To Jake House for his inclusion in the NSW CCC Country Rugby League team

Best Wishes

To our Secondary students participating in the Small Schools League and Diocesan Soccer Gala Day on Thursday and  Friday respectively.

To our Primary students attending the Polding Touch Trials on Friday.

Enrolments for 2020

We had our Kindergarten Open Day today. If you were unable to attend or know someone who would like to enrol their child for 2020 please come to the Front Office and collect an Application Enrolment form from Cathy

Seasons for Growth

We are running the successful Seasons for Growth program again this year. It is available to all students. The program is run by our school chaplain, Mrs Sharon Hollis. Sharon can be contacted at school Wednesday through to Friday if you wish to ask questions about this very worthwhile program to help students with grief and loss.

Pupil Free Day Reminder

A reminder that our Pupil Free Days are coming up soon: Tuesday 11 June and Wednesday 12 June are Pupil Free Days