From the Principal's Desk

Open Mornings : School Tours
Our Open Mornings, specifically tailored for our Year Prep 2020 intake will take place on Wednesday 20th March and Friday 29th March.
Our Year 5/6 Leaders will be available to take new and existing families on school tours between 9:00 and 11:00 am. Feel free to pass this information on to families you know who may be searching for a school for their child next year.
Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection (SES)
The Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd (CECV) requests the cooperation of schools in completing the Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection (SES). The information collected will be used by the Australian Government to assess school communities’ capacity to contribute towards the recurrent costs of schooling in order to move towards a fairer, needs-based funding model for non-government schools.
This is a new mandated collection by the Australian Government.
We need to ensure that each student’s residential address is current and the student’s parent/ carer/ guardian names and addresses are also current.
We have attached a link to the Information Sheet for Parents/ Guardians of Students. Please email or phone the school office by Monday 4th March to provide any changes of address that have occurred for either students or parents/guardians in the past 12 months.
Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)
A reminder that families who hold a valid Health Care Card for the 2019 year are able to receive a government rebate through the Camp, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF) which is currently set at $125 per primary aged child. In addition, families holding a valid Health Care Card will also receive a further ‘school based’ discount of $175 from fees and levies for 2019.
Applications for the CSEF can be collected from the school office. These are due to the office by 29th March.
Parents and Friends Association (PFA) News
The first PFA meeting for 2019 will be held in the staff room at 7:00 pm on Tuesday 5th March. New families are most welcome to attend and share ideas. We look forward to seeing you there.
Big Day Out : Combined Schools Celebration
To celebrate Catholic Education Week our Big Day Out: Combined Schools Celebration has been scheduled for Wednesday 13th March. Traditionally Corpus Christi School, along with St Augustine’s Yarraville and Annunciation Brooklyn, (the three schools under Father John O’Connor’s guidance) get together during Catholic Education Week and celebrate with Mass and a fun activity.
We plan to commence with the celebration of Mass at St Augustine’s Church at 10:00am. Following Mass, the children will have an early lunch (BYO) and then we will walk across to the Sun Theatre for a movie afternoon to enjoy the movie A Dog's Way Home which is rated PG (Mild themes). The children will be supplied with a Mini Popcorn Combo (popcorn and drink) to enjoy during the movie. If your child has allergies we ask that you provide a suitable snack for them to enjoy at the cinema.
Children are to wear their full summer school uniform (including hat) and are to bring along their lunch in a disposable bag and their water bottle. Children will have some Brain Food prior to leaving school.
Children will depart by bus from Corpus Christi at approximately 9:30 am and return by 2:30 pm. CareMonkey permission requests have been sent out with the full details so please make sure you have granted permission for your child to attend.
All new parents would have already received an invitation to join CareMonkey, via email, and enter details for your child/children. By following the instructions, you can create your own free CareMonkey account and control all data about your child/children. It’s really easy to use. You just need to monitor your email account regularly for school communicated excursions and ‘grant permission’ where necessary.
A reminder that all children are expected to wear the school hat during morning recess, lunch and PE lessons. Children may bring sunscreen to apply as needed. Please ensure your child's name is on their hat.
Prep Learning Conferences
A reminder that Learning Conferences for Prep students have been scheduled for:
Wednesday 6th March, 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
(Please note that there will be normal classes running all day for Prep Children)
Prep parents who have not already booked a Learning Conference time are asked to use the following details to do so:
OSHClub News
We are very pleased to announce that we have a new OSHClub coordinator, Milan, who will coordinate our Before School and After School Care programs. Milan is known to several of our students through his work at the School Holiday program at St Augustine's in Yarraville. He is very excited to be part of our community and already feels welcome. Please see the OSHClub page of the newsletter to read a message from Milan.
Remember to register for OSHClub so that you can use the service if the need arises.
Student Leadership
Over the last couple of weeks, students in Years 5 and 6 interested in applying for positions of student leadership have been asked to complete and submit a written application addressing specific criteria. Last Friday, candidates delivered a short presentation to their peers, Miss Poropat and me, highlighting the qualities and initiatives that they would bring to such positions.
Students were notified yesterday of the outcome and the Student Leaders, Social Justice Leaders and Sports Captains for 2019 will be presented with their badges in front of the school community at next Monday’s assembly.
Zooper Dooper Fridays
Commencing this Friday, 1st March, the Social Justice Leaders will be selling Zooper Doopers for $1 each. All money raised will go towards Social Justice initiatives.
Have a wonderful week
Jane Wilkinson
Acting Principal