A Reflection on the Conference as a Whole

A reflection on the Conference as a whole

So we have just completed a second Kildare Ministries conference.  A time to reflect on belonging to a new body in the church.  The significance of belonging and the identity being forged should not be missed.  Just as religious congregations were founded at a time in history so Kildare Ministries was founded five years ago.  We may ask: why begin new bodies in the church?  In particular why begin a new body in the twenty first century Church which is experiencing crisis and diminishment, challenge and self-doubt?  And the answer: Because that is what we seemed communally called to do. 

What is significant about the founding of Kildare Ministries?  It is new because nothing existed to ensure the ongoing governance of the ministries that a group of religious women had established and nurtured.  It is made up of lay people.  It is not clerical but it is part of the world wide communion of the Catholic Church.  It is an organisation built on Jesus’ vision of a discipleship of equals, of the reign of God breaking in on the world, and founded on the values of compassion and justice, love and forgiveness, peace and hope.  Jesus’ disciples were a mixed bunch and all that was asked of them was to listen, learn, and to follow someone who was turning the world upside down!  (a simple task)  Kildare Ministries is really much the same.  It is not only about the maintenance of ministries.  It is about living by values which are challenging, as it was when Jesus first spoke of this new Kingdom of God. Jesus modelled the power of living these values and people witnessed the transforming impact this had. It is no less powerful today when people in Kildare Ministries witness to those same gospel values, and we believe that we are all called to do that in classrooms, staffrooms, offices, playgrounds, Boards, Stewardship Councils and with people in need and indeed all who cross our paths.  

We experienced warmth and friendship at the conference and we attempted to live community and explore our sense of mutuality and genuine welcome to all.   These are hallmarks of any genuine Christian group. 

The real expression of our faith belief is how we live as community. Paul writes to the early Christians: Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)  This is where we are as we gathered, we listened, we responded, and now we go back to a deeper understanding of our collective story as Kildare Ministries people. 




Brigid Arthur csb​

Trustee Kildare Ministries