This Week at Twin Rivers

Remote/Flexible Learning 

Check out some great examples of remote/flexible learning from this week. Thank you to all the staff who have provided these.  


Grade 1/2CDeclan – His family used Uno cards to play Memory – Pairs of 10 for Maths. What a great idea!    Josie - Playing a maths game – Memory - Pairs of 10.  Blyss – shares her morning reader and I am special because..........  Abby  – shares her weekend writing.  Clinton is concentrating on his inquiry work about culture. 



Grade Prep - Ruby, Isaiah, Aiden, Sabryna and Hannah



Grade 1/2C Art with playdough - Lilly T , Willow and Clinton's creations.



Grade 5/6B - Persuasive Texts by Gideon & Stella



An Anzac poem by Norah L - 5/6A 


Anzac Wreath made at school.