
Ms Wildermuth
Ms Wildermuth

Dear Parents,

May I extend to you and your child a warm welcome to Toorak Primary School. This booklet is designed to provide you with information about the school and its activities and will assist you in becoming an active participant in your child’s learning.


School is a major part of your child’s life and we share with you, both the excitement and  responsibility for ensuring it is successful, happy and secure.


Our school has a number of unique activities as part of its curriculum and these and all other aspects of the school program, will make your child’s time here productive. The school and home form an important partnership in providing the best quality education for your child. Please make every effort to become involved in the activities provided by the school, the School Council and the Events, Fundraising and Marketing Committee, to assist in ensuring this partnership is successful.


Toorak Primary School is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all children in line with the Child Safe Standards. The dedicated staff members at Toorak Primary School work together, to provide an enriched learning environment where children can grow and develop as individuals.



I hope that your association with us is a long and happy one. Together with the school community, I look forward to your participation in the many activities which will be organised throughout the year.


This handbook has been prepared to provide you with information about the management and organisation of our school, and school programs. We trust it will be a useful reference for you during your child's schooling.


If you wish to discuss any aspects of our school or your child’s welfare please feel free to contact me to arrange an interview.


I look forward to working with you.


Yours sincerely,

Sharon Wildermuth

Acting Principal