Principal's Report

Save the Dates

We are looking at running some school tours for our current families to see some of our programs running. School tours will be followed by a morning tea for questions with our leadership team. The date will be Tuesday 6th December from 9:30am -11am. Details to follow next week via Compass.


We are also looking forward to seeing you all at our end of year Christmas BBQ on Monday 19th December from 5:30pm!


Staying Safe From Mosquitoes

After floods and heavy rainfall, mosquitoes can grow and spread in the pools of water left behind.

While the overall risk is low, some mosquitoes carry diseases that are spread through mosquito bites. Mosquitoes are more active at dusk and dawn, but some will also bite during the day. 

The best way to prevent mosquito-borne diseases is to avoid mosquito bites. 

Families can protect against mosquito bites by:

  • covering up as much as possible with long, loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing 
  • applying insect repellent that contains picaridin or DEET on exposed skin when leaving home
  • limiting outdoor activity if lots of mosquitoes are active

Further Information:


Capital Works

The roof is nearly on! Once it is complete the project should speed up as the weather will not be a driving force! It is certainly taking shape and we are very excited for the completion date mid next year.


Morning Drop Offs

Can we please ask all families not to drop your children to their classrooms before 8:45am. This is an essential part of the day for our staff to set the rooms up for the day, organise schedules, activities and routines for the children. If you need to drop off before this, please consider the onsite before school care program or talk to our staff who will try and help if possible. Thank you for your support with this.



Our recruitment drive is well and truly taking up many of our hours at the moment, but I continue to be confident we will get the right staff for our school. Unfortunately, this may not all be completed before the end of the year resulting in the possibility of your child not having a teacher or ES in place by then. This is beyond our control due to the current nationwide shortage of teachers but please be assured we are doing everything we can.


As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Warm Regards,
