At Clyde Primary School, tokens are handed out to students when they show Clyde’s school values. Tokens are then added to a child’s STA chart and they receive a reward
once the chart is filled. Staff are always looking for opportunities to hand out tokens to students who display appropriate behaviours. When we “catch” a student demonstrating these behaviours we will acknowledge the student and let the student know why they have received their token.
An example of handing out a token is “Thank you Bruce for being respectful by following teacher instructions straight away, here is a respect token”. Staff can give out tokens in the yard, the classroom and even on excursions
Once a student's STA chart is filled up, they will receive a reward. These are the tokens that we use to help students make positive choices at Clyde Primary School.
If you have any questions, about the SWPBS program, please contact Mr Russell via the office.