Principal's Report

Michelle Mackenlay

Student Representative Council

Clyde PS's Student Representative Council (SRC) is made up of a group of students elected by their peers to represent student voice within the school. 

Their role involves actively participating in the school and broader school community by putting forward students’ views, concerns and ideas.

Students have regular meetings to discuss issues and ideas that aim to make our school an even better place to learn.  Our SRC are also involved in planning some school activities for students to participate in and to raise money for charities and organisations to support and make a difference in people’s lives.  


I wish to congratulate the following individuals elected to form our Student Representative Council in 2023.  I wish to thank all of those students who put themselves forward to be on the SRC, it takes a lot of courage.


                                                     1A - Capri                                 4A - Jett

                                                     1B - Greta                                 4B - Larah

                                                     1C - Mia P                                4C - Talon

                                                     1D - Stevie                               5A - Connor H

                                                      2A - Grace M                          5B - Eli

                                                      2B - Madeline                         5C - Avii

                                                      2C - Reyansh K                       6A - Jake

                                                      3A - Ella H                                6B - Aydin

                                                      3B - Charlotte M                     6C - Ariana

                                                      3C - Roy

                                                      3D - Eli


2023 School Council

Following on from the call for nominations for our School Council I can confirm that we have successfully received 2 nominations from members of our school community.  As the number of nominations is equal to the number of vacancies we can declare that all positions have now been filled successfully and we will not need to hold a ballot.


All 2023 School Council members are:

Karlie Suttie - parent category

Kylie Williams - parent category

Stephanie Harrip - parent category

Sarah Bannister - parent category

Amelia Smith - parent category

Jenny Maypiece - parent category

Simone Armstrong - parent category

Jeewat Kaur Singh - parent category

Courtney Goodman - community category

Michelle Mackenlay - employee category

Sue Lumley - employee category

Sharon Diehl - employee category

Lee Russell - employee category


I would like to take this opportunity to thank our School Council members for their interest in supporting our school.


Staffing Update

I am thrilled to announce that Mrs Narelle Steckyj is returning to Clyde Primary School to teach Art for Year 1-6, as of Monday 6th March.

We also welcome Ms Samantha Dominichi who will be teaching Visual Art to our Foundation students on Wednesdays (1 day per week).  This day will allow for some extra flexibility with our Art program, more details will come when this has been finalised.

We are currently advertising for a STEM teacher for next term.


Easter Celebrations

On the last day of term, we are having our annual Easter Bonnet Parade.  Children are encouraged to start creating an Easter bonnet at home to wear on the day.

We invite parents to join us for the parade as the event will be held in the gym.  We will also be drawing the winners of our Easter Raffle during the event.

Our Easter Raffle ticket booklets will be sent home on Monday 6th March for $1 per ticket. 


We are already looking for donations for our Easter Raffle.  Donations could include Easter eggs, books, toys or other Easter themed items, which will then be put into bundles that can be raffled.  If you can donate Easter items for our raffle, please bring them into the office by Thursday 30th March.


Public Holiday

A reminder to families that Monday 13th March is the Labour Day Public Holiday.  There will be no school on this day.


Book Donation

We would like to thank Barton Primary School, who recently gave us a large amount of literacy books and take home readers, in near new condition, as they are no longer using them.  Take home books can be quite expensive at around $13 for a levelled book.   So we were thrilled to receive these. 



Naplan testing will begin soon for students in Year 3 and 5.  This year students will undertake most of their tests online with Year 3 students completing their writing test on paper.  The tests will be run between Wednesday 15th March and Monday 27th March with the majority of students undertaking the tests at the beginning of the testing period and catch up tests being offered to students who miss any tests. 

We will be offering toast, drinks and mini pancakes to students in the morning before they sit their test and celebrating their participation.

Please remember that NAPLAN is just one indicator of your child’s qualities – yet, the test does not assess all the special ways a child is exceptional and unique.

These tests do not show how good a child is at drawing, or how they can teach others to use a computer program.  They do not show how graceful a child is when dancing or how confidently they can deliver a speech in front of a group. These tests do not show how kind, caring or thoughtful a child is – or how you can be counted on to always help out and try your best because these are attributes that cannot be tested.

So please encourage your child to come to school ready to try their best and complete their test.  But remember, there is no one way to ‘test’ all of the wonderful things that make a child special.