Group 4

As the year comes to an end, both Georgia and myself have loved reflecting on our student’s progress in all areas of their learning and we are so proud to see first hand how far everyone has come. 


We have loved the festive fun of December and we know that our Prep 4 students have thoroughly enjoyed it too! Lots of carols, Christmas spirit and arts and crafts have been enjoyed together as a collective of 8, and the quality time we have been able to spend with one another before the Christmas break has filled our hearts with joy. Although we are sad that our time as a cohort has come to an end, we are grateful for all of the memories we have been fortunate enough to make, and the relationships we’ve built in our classroom will remain strong as our students transition into grade 1 super students next year!


We have toilet trained students this year, supported them in their developing speech and communication skills, taught important life skills, and supported our students with showing them different ways to be creative and critical thinkers. We could not be any prouder of all of our students and the effort each and every one of them has applied.


A special shout out to our students’ parents who have been nothing short of amazing this year. Your smiling faces every day have made us so happy! Thank you.


We hope the Christmas break is relaxing, fun and safe for all of you. We’ll see you all next year.


With love, 

Jenna & Georgia Prep 4 Teachers