From the classrooms
Innovation Expo 2022
Last Friday afternoon Stage 4 Big Sky Thinking and Stage 5 Critical Thinking students welcomed staff, students, parents and special guests to view their projects.
Earlier this year students in Big Sky Thinking were given the brief to create a game or toy. Stage 5 students were briefed to make an innovative and sustainable community asset for the Boorowa township.
Students needed to have a prototype, an overview of the design process and complete the project by EXPO day. Students used the Innovation Centre to create their projects and developed many problem-solving, critical thinking, teamwork and communication skills. Whilst there were challenges for many students, they all showed resilience and persevered to complete their projects.
A special thanks to our Hilltops Council staff for coming to judge our Innovation award and to all community members for coming along and viewing the student’s projects.
Award winners-
People’s Choice- Tarell, Jackson and Blake. ‘Wooden Car’
Hilltops Council Innovators Award- Evie and Meghann. ‘Dog training yards’
Innovators award Boorowa Central School- Jorja and Dalijana
Best project overall- Fergus and Xavier. ‘Pinball machine’
Principals award- Angus ‘Starwars helmets’
We look forward to seeing what students creations next year.
Mr Corcoran, Ms Bromfield,
Ms Moorby and Ms Bridge
Big Sky Thinking/ Critical Thinking teachers
What a fantastic final fortnight at Boorowa Central School for our Infants students and staff. There’s been great excitement each morning with students keeping their eyes peeled for our mischievous elf, Jack. He’s been busy running a little amuck but also writing letters and delivering messages from the students about their Christmas traditions and wishes. Lots of fun!
The Intensive Swimming Program has been wrapped up for another year. A huge thank you to Jaimee for her swimming instruction as well as Ms Downey for coordinating the program and other staff for assisting. Students have worked hard to practise and improve their water safety skills which are so important, particularly leading up to the Summer holiday break.
The end of the school year will see us farewelling two very valued members of our Infants team – Miss Paris Corcoran and Mrs Robyn Hoy. We thank them both immensely for their dedication, warmth, and expertise they have shown to all students, and we will miss having them as part of our school. We wish them both all the best!
We have all enjoyed catching up with families and community members at our many events over the last couple of weeks. We hope everyone’s calendars and commitments are starting to slow down a little and everyone has a chance to relax and enjoy the Christmas festivities. We wish all our students, families, and staff a happy and safe holiday time wherever you are and whatever you’re up to! See you in 2023!
Ms Mem Brougham
Assistant Principal Infants (relieving)
The K/1 classroom is looking all festive and fabulous with lots of arts and crafts happening as we wind up the school year. Students have written to Santa about their favourite Christmas activities and wish lists – these were delivered to Santa via our elf, Jack. Keep an eye out in the Boorowa News as well…
It has been a fantastic year in our class and all our students should be so proud of their achievements, the wonderful friendships they have made and for having a go at all the challenges that ‘Big School’ has given our Kindergarten students this year. For our Year 1 students, they have been super leaders and have helped make it such a successful year for our youngest students. All students are excited to be moving ‘up’ a year and we look forward to them returning in 2023.
History with Ms Hoy
While working through this unit students investigated how they, their family and friends commemorate past events that are important to them. They were able share experiences of family, school and community events that are celebrated. They also considered the significance of dates and why they are important. To complete this unit the students were divided into three groups and had to draw what celebrations meant to them. They then were able to move to the next table and look at what had been drawn on that poster. The students were able to add extra events to the poster before moving to the third group poster. When finished we were able to display our posters on the wall for all to see.
Science with Ms Hoy
Moving Objects:
In this unit the students explored the way objects moved and were able to relate changes in motion to push and pull forces. They also investigated how technologies use forces to create movement in designed solutions by designing and making a toy that can be pushed or pulled out of recycled materials. They really enjoyed the opportunity to design and then create their own push or pull toy. Lots of discussion was heard as they discussed how they would complete this task.
Ms Mem Brougham - Teacher
Yindy have been busy this term experimenting with using things for different purposes. We have also been enjoying our new hammock. Our Feather reward this time was at the park where the children enjoyed the Flying Fox and the swings.
Year 1/2
In Year 1/2 this week we have been celebrating our achievements for the year but rewarding ourselves with a wellbeing afternoon at the park.
On Friday, Year 1/2, accompanied by K/1 walked down to the park to enjoy time on the equipment. This time allowed us to check in with one another and enjoy the much needed sunshine.
In the afternoon we continued by getting into the Christmas spirit and creating our Santa self portraits. Students experimented with watercolor and oil pastels to bring their artworks to life. We also added a special touch by adding cotton balls for his beard. We are very proud of our little Santas that have decorated our classroom just in time for Christmas.
Closing to end the year, I would like to thank my students and parents for a fantastic year in Year 1/2. This class has made my first year as a teacher one of a kind, and a class I will hold dear to my heart. The connections I have made with my students are the reason I chose teaching, and I wish them well in their future studies.
Thank you
Ms Paris Corcoran - Year 1/2 Teacher
Well...the final newsletter for the year of 2022, and wow - what a year it has been!
I write this having arrived home a few hours ago after one of the most successful Primary Excursions I've ever been a part of. The Dubbo trip was originally planned for 2020 but was cancelled for COVID reasons (we had a 'sleepout' in the school hall as a replacement - a night none of the staff will ever forget!). We organised it again for 2021, but alas, another COVID year meant that we had to cancel it again. Then...2022 arrived and the world's restrictions had lifted and once again our amazing office staff planned a brilliant excursion for Week 7 of Term 4...until Mother Nature intervened and flooded the majority of rural NSW and we had to cancel the day before...
Finally, after an incredible effort from our staff, we rescheduled for Week 10. 60 students took part in three days of exploring, analysing, sight-seeing, inspecting, laughing, eating, travelling, eating, learning, eating and more eating! We visited the Western Plains Cultural Centre and the Royal Flying Doctors, (which was absolutely sensational with its interactive displays), then we checked into Discovery Parks, played in the park, had dinner, and eventually went to bed. Tuesday morning saw us at the Western Plains Taronga Zoo and having a lesson in predators vs prey (meeting snakes, possums, and turtles). We then spent the rest of the day walking the zoo and meeting all the animals of which you could think. Particular highlights were the giraffes, hippos, tigers, lions, and tortoises (one was 300 years old!). The students then explored the bouncy castle at Discovery Parks with Mr Rowley, had dinner and settled in for a movie night. The final day saw us all become prisoners at Old Dubbo Gaol, where we explored solitary confinement and had a tour that told us all yarns about escaped convicts and local troublemakers. A few more stops at the Japanese Gardens and Adventure Playground had us ready to return home. What a huge three days!
I can't thank our brilliant staff of Taryn, Mr Rowley, Miss Bromfield, and Miss Moorby enough. They were simply sensational and ensured that the excursion was a success. Taking 60 students away for two nights (most of whom had never been on an excursion) is a mammoth task! Mr Jones was also his brilliant best on Monday and Monday night as his inner PE teacher came out during the game’s afternoon - and he put his hand up to help in every way. Thank-you to all, these things simply don’t happen without your voluntary efforts.
I was so proud of all the children on the camp, as I am with every primary student this year. We are so lucky to be a part of our school and community and I can't wait to do it all again in 2023.
From our faculty to your families - we wish you a very happy, safe, and healthy Christmas break and we'll see you in 2023!
Jason Stuart
Assistant Principal Primary (Relieving)
5/6 Class
The 5/6 class have been on camp this week which has affected our classroom learning a lot! Last week, we had the Year 6 Graduation Assembly, which was a celebration of all the Year 6 students. Whether they joined this year, or all the way back in Kindergarten, each student was celebrated for their input, effort, and achievements as a student at Boorowa Central School. What an afternoon it was!
Tuesday night saw all Year 5 and 6 students attend the Year 6 Formal Dinner - which was put together spectacularly by Amanda, Mary, Ms Golden and Ms Armour. It was a great evening, with the Hall looking better than ever and our fantastic P&C putting on a great meal.
Well done to all of our Year 6 students on graduating primary school!
As a class, our 5/6 group have been great this year. Each day has left me thinking 'I never thought they'd ask a question like that'...which is a wonderful thing! Our classroom has been a happy and friendly place this year, and I am looking forward to more fun in the new year.
Jason Stuart - Year 5/6 Teacher