Merit Awards 

Term 2, Week 9 


Nash Cameron for counting carefully, listening to sounds in words and writing his name neatly.

Amarlie Deaves for listening to instructions and working well with others in small group activities.

Orlando Hodgens for sharing his ideas more confidently in discussions and clever counting.

Jacob Sauer for greater confidence when talking in front of his peers and being a wonderful classroom helper.


Stirling Turner for his great efforts to help others with their learning.

Thomas Sawaki-Gillard for his excellent recognition of many tricky words and improved blending skills in reading.

Evie Cox for sounding out her words when writing and using carefully spacing between words.

William Neill for his improved fluency and decoding skills in reading.

Year 1/2

Samuel Sauer for his wonderful use of language to show his comprehension when reading novels. 

Billie Cox for his hard work with decoding words when he is reading. 

Archie Floyd for working hard to solve subtraction problems.

Harbour Hutton for working on task and being proud of her work and achievements. 

Brock Adams for his wonderful use of language to show comprehension when he is reading texts. 

Fergus McFarlane for his tremendous effort with reading with fluency and comprehension. 

Penny McLennan for being an on task learner and working hard to complete all tasks.

Year 3/4

Charlie P for developing strategies for settling and focusing.

Miles for being a risk taker in all areas of learning.

Vancara for being an enthusiastic participant in group discussions.

Jack for engaging thoughtfully in the new writing groups.

Dani for being a delightful member of our class.

Year 5/6

Kirby for excellent effort on her Persuasive speech.

Darcy for great work on his student led conference.

Sam for wonderful patience and effort on his math task.

Logan for great effort on his persuasive task.