Principal's Panorama

Zoe Nugent 

Welcome to the end of Week Ten and the end of Term Two, 


It has been a very long term.  My thanks to the staff of SMOTA for their incredible efforts in ensuring it was another strong term for learning at St Mary of the Angels, both academically and socially. Including in the face of a teacher and casual teacher shortage.  We are looking forward to Miss Mayes and Miss Outridge joining the team in Term Two, I know you will make them both feel welcome.



Enrolments for 2024 have commenced. Please contact the office should you have a child ready to start school next year or know of anyone who would like an enrolment package.



Thank you must go to Mrs Chapman, Mrs de Dassel and our wonderful EA's who supported the running of our NAIDOC Week activities afternoon last Tuesday.

Students were arranged in activities ranging from learning about the differences between an Acknowledgment of Country and Welcome to Country, learning about the importance of the Indigenous Voice to our community and how it has been absent at times in our history, all the way though to Dreamtime Stories and the meaning of some symbols in Indigenous Art works.  We had a full blessed day where students chalk artworks were on display in our courtyard before the rain washed them away. However we will be left with the long memory of our indigenous art snake, which will grow as all of our students have the opportunity to complete their rock art work.  I will share photos of these on its completion.  Thanks must also go to Jack Marshall for helping lacquer the rocks to ensure their protection from the elements.


Student Led Conferences (Parent Teacher Interviews) 

Thank you for embracing the first ever student led conferences at St Mary of the Angels! Back by research and carried out by schools all over the world, it was great to add St MAry of the Angels to the group of dedicated people who are looking to increased student agency and engagement with sharing their learning and goals with their parents and carers.

Double thanks to parents/carers who provided their feedback on improvements/additions, I am so chuffed to see the overwhelming majority of positive feedback.  


I look forward to 2024 when these will occur in Term One and Term Three.


Year 6 RE Test

On Wednesday 14th June, our year 6 students sat the annual Year 6 RE test. This test asks students to recall their learning and understanding surrounding the Catholic Church and what they have learnt in their schooling since Kindergarten. The questions can be based on a range of things including liturgical, prayer and even the history of the Catholic Church.  All of our students worked diligently and to the best of their ability to answer the 40 questions.  Results will be back around the start of term 3.




The Armidale Diocesan Primary Sports Council webpage has this year’s dates set for all sporting activities for Diocesan level and above. Please refer to this if you think you may need to plan for future events. 


Flynn M will continue his cross country journey as he qualified to represent Polding at the NSWPSSA Cross Country Championships on the 21st July. Good luck Flynn!


Changes for 2023 Athletics

Polding Athletics date has been changed due to a $54 million upgrade to the Glendale Athletics facilities. It has now been confirmed that the new date for Polding Athletics will be Friday 13th October held at Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre.



Not only are students and families looking forward to time together but our educators are looking forward to their release from face to face teaching to be used for preparation and planning time as well.  It is a time to recharge and renew ourselves, so we can be planned and ready to return next Term.


Have a safe and blessed holiday, we will see all of your happy faces when we return on 17th July 2023. 


Until I see you all on the flip side, 

May God walk beside you, or carry you when you cannot go on.


Mrs Nugent