Focus on Learning

Stage 1 - Mrs Sharnie Meade 


Stage 1 students have been learning about the different parts of the Mass, as well as the signs and symbols within our Church.  After many discussions, viewing photos and attending Mass to explore these concepts, we had the opportunity to get creative!  We used lego, playdough and our own art skills to demonstrate our understanding.  See below for some photos of our learning: 


For the last 2 weeks, we have been learning about subtraction.  Our focus has been on being able to show our understanding of concepts with concrete materials (blocks, counters), with pictures and with numbers.  See below for some of our guided groups on subtraction, as well as some 'revision' lessons on a range of different topics.  The last two weeks of term, we will be learning about Chance and Probability; using lots of different vocabulary to explain the chance of different outcomes. This is a great topic to practise at home: discussing the weather, dinner options, car colours while driving.


We have been learning about prepositional phrases in our English lessons.  We have learnt that prepositional phrases can add more information to our sentences by telling us WHERE something happens or WHEN it happens.  Last week, we worked in pairs to create sentences that contained prepositional phrases.  See our work below: 

Coolamon Challenge

Coolamon Challenge will begin again in Term 3! Keep an eye on Facebook and the Newsletter for our next challenge early in the Term.