A Message from the Principal

Mrs Pauline Long

Living Well Learning Well Student Representatives

This year instead of our traditional SRC we are having a Living Well Learning Well Group. The students have voted for their class reps and I wish to congratulate the following students:

Kinder: Arlie Allan

Year 1: Violet Mulligan

Year 2: Ryder Hird

Year 3: Molly Peach

Year 4: Dani Cortis & Hayden Stockwell

Year 5: Ricky Hird

Year 6: All Year 6 students are role models and leaders within our school, so all Year 6 are an integral part of this student group.


The aim of this group is to increase the student voice within our school and ensure our school is a happy and safe place for all. Already the students have come up with wonderful suggestions to improve our school. At recess today Zeb Allan, Alex Davis and Caleb Iffland conducted a soccer clinic on how to kick the ball safely so we don’t lose balls over the neighbours fence!



NAIDOC Week Celebrations   


We celebrate NAIDOC Week next Thursday 29th June at 11.30am- 1.15pm. I invite all our families to attend and join us in prayer followed by activities including painting, storytelling and outdoor games. Thanks to our wonderful  AEA Judy Allan and Sarah - Jane Canham for organising this important event for our community.


NAIDOC celebrations consist of a range of traditional and contemporary activities. There are many gatherings of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people coming together to celebrate and share with non-Aboriginal people the strengths of its First Nations People. This important event helps build positive relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people, enabling a deeper understanding of our differences and similarities. NAIDOC week is an opportunity for all Australians to eliminate bias and discrimination by reflecting and reconciling the wrongs of the past to facilitate hope and build a fairer future. It is important for children to have an understanding that we do not need to assimilate into one culture in preference over others. Difference is a great thing and our society can only benefit from a range of world views and experiences.


Kinder 2024

We have had a pleasing result for applications for our Kinder class for 2024. Please continue to spread the word about our wonderful school. All you need to do is call Kate to have a package sent home or down load the form from our website. https://stjosephsquirindi.catholic.edu.au  Once the forms are complete an interview, will be arranged for you and your child.  


St Joey’s is a great school! Come Share the Spirit!


Have a great week,

Pauline Long
