Welcome to Level 1/2!

The Level 1/2 team are ready for another fabulous term and are excited for all of the fun learning activities that they have planned for the children.


A reminder that this newsletter will be published termly as part of our reporting process, allowing parents and carers to have a term overview of what learning will be occurring. This will be released in conjunction with the students mid- and end-of-year reports, as well as their learning goals which will also be reviewed termly.


The Level 1/2 teachers:

Amy Carter 104
Maddy Rogers 111
Emma Cass 112
Elise Hall 104
Amy Carter 104
Maddy Rogers 111
Emma Cass 112
Elise Hall 104
Paige Ruane 202
Cathryn Shewring 202
Grace McDonell 200
Chris Berry 201
Paige Ruane 202
Cathryn Shewring 202
Grace McDonell 200
Chris Berry 201

Class Specialist Timetables