News from Foundation

WOW!!!!! How has the end of Term 2 come so quickly!!! We are already half way through Foundation!! So crazy!! They are all doing amazing and every day is so fun with this little bunch! 


Smarties Fun

This past two weeks in maths we have been learning about Data and how we can collect data as well as how we can interpret data! We have collected data from yes or no questions such as 'Do you like chocolate' and using picture graphs to record and represent different things. On Tuesday, we used Smarties to collect data and then created simple bar graphs to show the data. The kids loved it, especially when they got to eat the Smarties!


Information Writing 

This past two weeks we have to learn about Information Texts and how they have facts in them that tell us something that is true! The Foundations have enjoyed researching Australian Animals and recording four special facts about that animals!



This Term, we have been learning about sustainability! To finish off our unit, the Foundations made posters about one thing they can do to be more sustainable!



Over the holidays, please have a rest and do not feel pressured to have the children do any work. If you believe that it's good to have a similar structure to school in the holidays, then by all means, feel free to keep up all the amazing work you are doing. Going into next term, we will continue practising reading decodable books and learning the tricky words by heart!

100 days of School

Next Term, we will be celebrating 100 days of school!!! So save the date!