Principal's Message

Lenten Prayer

Creator of my Life, 

renew me: bring me to new life in you. 

Touch me and make me feel whole again. 

Help me to see your love 

in the passion, death and resurrection of your son. 

Help me to observe Lent 

in a way that allows me to celebrate that love. 

Prepare me for these weeks of Lent 

as I feel both deep sorrow for my sins 

and your undying love for me.


New Website and App Update

The new OLA website and app is scheduled to be rolled out to the community in Week 8. The web address will remain the same, and instructions for connecting to the app will be included in the Week 8 newsletter.

Sacramental Commitment Masses

Thank you to all of the OLA School and Parish families who attended the Sacramental Commitment Masses last weekend. This marks the beginning of the candidate's sacramental preparation for the sacraments of Penance, Eucharist and Confirmation.


Please keep these children in your prayers as they continue their faith journey.

Harmony Week

Today marks the start of Harmony Week. During this time, we celebrate the diversity of our great state, WA. The state government initiative encourages everyone to explore WA's cultural, religious, linguistic and ethnic diversity. More information about Harmony Week can be found at,

MSP School Photos

Please see below for the tentative timetable for school photos:

Monday 25 March

- 8.00: Family Photos

- 9.00: PPG

- 9.20: Kindy G

- 9.40: Kindy M

- 10.00: 2G

- 11.00: 6G

- 11.20: 6M

- 11.40: 5G

-12.00: 5M

- 12.20: 4G


Tuesday 26 March

- 8.00: Staff Photo and Family Photos

- 8.30: Year 6 Faction Captains and Family Photos

- 8.45: Year 6 Student Leaders

- 9.00: PPM

- 9.00: 1G

- 9.20: 1M

- 9.40: 2M

- 10.00: 3G

- 10.20: 4M

- 11.00: 3M


As mentioned in previous newsletters, the Pre-Kindergarten photo will take place later in the year when more students have commenced the program. Family photo envelopes are available from the School Office.


Please note: These times are estimated and may change on the day.

Parent - Teacher Interviews

This term, Parent - Teacher Interviews will be held on the following days:

Week 9

Monday 1 April - KG, 1G and 5M

Tuesday 2 April - KM and PPM

Wednesday 3 April - 3M and 4M

Thursday 4 April - 2M


Week 10

Monday 8 April - 1M, 3G and 4G

Tuesday 9 April - PPG, 5G and 6G

Wednesday 10 April - 6M

Thursday 11 April - 2G


During these meetings, families will receive an interim report of their child's progress. Online booking for the interviews will open closer to the time.

Toys From Home

Just a reminder that students should not be bringing toys of any kind to school. This includes trading cards, balls, fidget spinners etc. We ask that you please discuss this with your children.

Chester Avenue Collection Point

Morley Police made contact with the Leadership Team this week to discuss parking concerns on Chester Ave. Parents are asked to please park at Dianella Plaza and walk up to collect students rather than block the Chester Ave cul-de-sac. Children should not be crossing Chester Ave unless accompanied by an adult. Cars should not park in the cul-de-sac at any time. We have been advised that the City of Stirling rangers have been notified and will be issuing infringement notices. Your attention to this safety matter is greatly appreciated.

Church Renovations

Renovation works have commenced on the Church tower, located close to the driveway entrance on Grand Promenade. To access the church during this time, community members will need to enter the bitumen from the Dianella Plaza side and enter the church via the bitumen doors. The main church entrance will be closed.

Junior Swimming Carnival

Congratulations to the Year 1 and Year 2 students who participated in the Junior Swimming Carnival on Wednesday afternoon. What a wonderful turn out by our families to support our junior students. The children were extremely excited and Mrs Stewart ran an organised and fun event for everyone.

Senior Swimming Carnival

On Thursday, the Years 3-6 students spent the day in the pool participating in the Senior Swimming Carnival. Again, we had a huge amount of family support and the competitors were enthusiastically cheered on from the sidelines.


A HUGE thank you to all of the staff and parents who assisted in the organisation and running of these wonderful events. Results from the day can be found on the Sport page of this newsletter.

Year Six Camp

Next week marks another significant milestone for our Year 6 students, camp! The children will be heading to Nanga Bush Camp accompanied by Miss Figueira, Mr De Pietro, Mrs Erskine, Mr Morris and parent volunteers. It is bound to be a memorable expereince for all, and we can't wait to hear the stories once they return!

God bless.


Mr Greg Martin
