
Year 7 Create Visual Term 3

Throughout Term 3 of remote learning our year 7 students have been working really hard to create some amazing collaborative artworks. They have had the challenge of communicating with one another from a distance using the Microsoft platforms and overcoming the hurdle with persistence. Our year 7 students have together in a small group, re-created an artwork of an Australian artist Lisa Lapointe, they have explored and developed their own Lisa Lapointe technique’s to create their final masterpieces. Please see below their fantastic collaborative artworks.


Students write-up


I really enjoyed collaborating with people.- Taylor


I enjoyed working together in a group and having to be strategic with what colours you and your partners used.- Emmanuel


I enjoyed working with my team and learning about different types of art by different people and their styles.- Issy F


I enjoyed colouring in the artwork, using new techniques and collaborating with other people.- Sienna 


I liked working with classmates.- Louis


I liked hanging in the meet now with my group and working together.- Oscar

7B Group 1
7B Group 2
7B Group 3
7B Group 4
7C Group 1
7C Group 2
7C Group 3
7C Group 4
7C Group 5
7B Group 1
7B Group 2
7B Group 3
7B Group 4
7C Group 1
7C Group 2
7C Group 3
7C Group 4
7C Group 5