Visual Arts and Photography

Year 7 students are exploring Impressionism and Cubism. They are using the traditional techniques of each to create their own painting and synthetic Cubist work. To complement their artmaking activities, students are in the process of producing their own short film on either artmovement developing skills in storyboarding, scriptwriting and editing.

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Year 8 students have been learning about Australian art, painting and printmaking. They have been using the skills learnt in class to create artworks that reflect the works of the Australian artists studied this term. To consolidate their learning students have been working on a collaborative task to explore, examine and discover visual artist John Olsen. 

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Year 9 Visual Arts and Photography students have been exploring artmaking in 2D, 3D and 4D formats. Each class member is developing their own individual online format to present their collaborative works. Students have chosen food as their theme and there have been some wonderful creations emerge so far. It will be fabulous to see the end result in Week 10.



Year 10 Visual Arts students have been exploring Italian art and its influence on art throughout history. Each student has chosen a specific artist and is creating an online resource to help educate others about the artist and artmovement. Students will also complete an artwork by the end of the term which is reflective of the style or technique of the artists that have chosen. 


Year 11 have explored the creative process in a minor body of work where they have developed ideas and document their process in their artbooks. Students have also engaged in experimenting with new techniques, trying new applications for mediums and learning about artists and their artworks along the way. There have been some imaginative and very skilful works produced and it will fabulous to see what each student will create as they embark on their HSC journey. Year 11 are currently in the Preliminary HSC exam period and we wish them well during this time.

Clay De Paoli
Gretta Leigh-Cooper
Olivia Gibbons
Oscar King
Oscar King
Oscar King
Oscar King
Clay De Paoli
Gretta Leigh-Cooper
Olivia Gibbons
Oscar King
Oscar King
Oscar King
Oscar King

~Click on images to enlarge~


Ms Genelle Keough | CALOTE KLA Leader