


Lily Burge
Lily Burge

Last Wednesday evening we gathered with the Mount Erin Boarding Year 12 Students to share in their final Liturgy and Presentation. It was a very special occasion where we acknowledged the contributions and achievements of Lily Burge (Co Boarding Captain) and Lachlan Murray from Mater Dei. Students took part in a prayerful liturgy and were presented with a special candle to symbolise the light of Christ a’flame in their hearts for the future. 



The Liturgy made connections with the rich history of Mount Erin Boarding, and the role of the Presentation Sisters, subsequent lay teachers and boarding leaders who have been the guardians of Nano’s dream to engage in the mission of God, guiding our young people in this distinctive way towards honour, truth, trust and respect.



In shaping their hopes and dreams, their passions and their stories, we know these students have been well formed in character and faith, inspired by the Presentation charism and nurtured into the fullness of life by their parents, teachers, leaders and supervisors of Mount Erin Boarding. 


Students acknowledged making many fond memories and friendships during their time of boarding, which will be recalled long after their HSC year. We wish all Year 12 Boarders at Mount Erin, all the very best for the future!   

Year 12 Mount Erin Boarding
Year 12 Mount Erin Boarding



Last Tuesday, Year 12 Students and Retreat Staff gathered for a Retreat Reunion. The purpose of the gathering was to reflect, reset and move forward together, following their Trial HSC Exams. 


Students valued this time to come together to contemplate their final weeks of formal schooling, to consider how they may respond to teacher feedback when their exams are returned and reflect on positively embracing this time with their peer group. Year 12 engaged in an experience of prayer, guided Christian Meditation and learnt about the power of a positive mindset and approach. 


They utilised this time to reconnect with their Retreat Group and feel the support of a connected community, ready to celebrate their efforts and achievements.  

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Thank you to all the members of our Student Representative Council for participating in the selling of Legacy badges last week. Your willingness to get involved and promote the work of Legacy in this endeavour is greatly appreciated. 


If you would like to show further support, Legacy has created an official online merchandise shop that sells Legacy Bears, Badges and other merchandise. 


The funds will go towards helping support veterans' families around the country. You may like to Visit www.legacyshop.com.au. We look forward to our continuing association with Legacy next year.  



The Nagle Education Alliance of Australia have announced the winners of the Nagle Art Prize for this year. Unfortunately, this time we were not chosen as the successful winners, however, we are very proud of the collective efforts of our Year 8 Religious Education classes who produced the entries. We know that these beautiful creations will be displayed at the College for years to come. 

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 ‘Healing the world is an opportunity to build something better’

Pope Francis invites us to contemplate how we may contribute to curing the “virus” of social injustice, inequality of opportunity, marginalization, and the lack of protection for the weakest. The Holy Father said our response to the pandemic must be twofold: “finding a cure for this small but terrible virus,” but also curing “a larger virus, that of social injustice, inequality of opportunity, marginalisation, and lack of protection for the weakest.”


In meeting that challenge, he said, we must always keep in mind the “preferential option for the poor.” This is not a political, ideological, or partisan option, he said. Rather, "the preferential option for the poor is at the centre of the Gospel." With the example of Jesus, “we must act now, to heal the epidemics caused by the small, invisible viruses, and to heal those caused by the serious and visible social injustices.”


We pray that we may accomplish this with the love of God, placing the peripheries at the centre of our hearts and minds; those who are least, in first place. “Starting from this love, anchored in hope and founded in faith, a healthier world will be possible.”

Pope Francis (August, 2020)



Mrs Amelia Bright | Acting Leader of Mission