
Are you in Year 7 or Year 8 and would like to develop your performance skills, self confidence and have a lot of fun at the same time? If so, it is not too late to join the MDCC Junior Drama Ensemble for 2020.


At Junior Drama Ensemble, you will learn about: 

The Elements of Drama; the art of improvisation through playing drama and Theatre Sports games; be introduced to script work and have performance opportunities.


Classes run on Thursdays after school till 4.30pm in the PAC. Please contact Mrs Lewis by email lewisn@ww.catholic.edu.au if you would like more information. 



Students spent the first half of this term devising and rehearsing their group physical theatre performances. Both groups performed their original works to the Year 12 Drama class who offered them some valuable feedback. 


Students are currently working on a unit focused on Realism and Stanislavski techniques. As well as completing short scene work and improvisation activities, students are working on a monologue that they will present to the class early next term.

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Year 11 students have been looking at theatrical styles and traditions through the ages with a focus on Brecht’s Epic Theatre. They have been working on creating an original performance incorporating Brechtian conventions and techniques that they will present as part of their Year 11 examinations. Students have also been preparing for the written component of the examination. 



Year 12 Drama students have just completed their external performance examination where they all performed a monologue of between 6 to 8 minutes. They spent the majority of this term revising their Australian Drama plays, Approaches to Acting practitioners and refining their individual performance work. Sudents are now busy completing their final revision for the upcoming written examinations.

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Ms Genelle Keough | CALOTE KLA Leader