Alumni news

Sr Barbara Amott celebrates 70 years of teaching


Sister Barbara Amott is a much-treasured part of St Mary’s College’s story, having been a gifted and dedicated student, Presentation Sister, teacher and Principal.


Her lifelong love of school and learning is captured in an interview with ABC Hobart (originally published on 15 July 2020), which you can view online here

Margaret Nicol

St Mary’s College archivist, Margaret Rootes recently had the pleasure of meeting with Rowena Miller, the daughter of Margaret Nicol (pictured), who attended the College from around 1948 until 1952.


Sadly, Margaret died when Rowena was only 12 years old, but her daughter, curious to learn more about her mother’s upbringing, was able to piece together some of her story during her visit to Hobart.


Read the full article on the College website


Margaret Rootes

College Archivist