What's Happening at OLA!


Pre-Primary had a fabulous time at our Woolworths excursion. When we arrived, we dressed in a child-sized Woolworths apron. We went for a walk around the store to look at where the ice cream and cheese are kept. Then we went to the back of the store to look at the storage area and look inside the big freezer.  It was very cold! We had the chance to hold bread dough that the bakers use to make bread and buns. The dough was cold, smelt like bread and was very sticky. We had to find fruit and vegetables in the fresh food produce area. We were lucky enough to eat some fresh fruit.  When we went back to school we were given a mini Woolworths bag with some keepsakes inside. We had a great time.

Mrs Noonan, Miss Smith and Mrs Durkin

Year 2

Over the past two weeks in Year 2, we have been changing the way we are learning in Literacy and Numeracy. In Literacy, we have introduced differentiated guided reading rotations and group rotations. We are really enjoying learning in small groups and getting support during this time from our teachers and parent helpers. We have finished writing our narratives and have created our own book, which we are very excited about. In class we read each other’s stories and will be recording our stories and uploading them to SeeSaw.


In Numeracy we have also introduced differentiated groups, we have made learning about time fun and exciting. We have learnt that quarter past means 15 minutes past the hour and quarter to means 45 minutes past the hour. We have even updated our clocks that we made in Semester 1 and added the 5-minute increments to them. We have been learning how to write quarter to and quarter past time using digital clocks. Learning about time is tricky, but our teachers are making it very hands on and interesting to learn.


In Art we have been investigating Van Gogh further, we have finally finished our Van Gogh sunflower art work. They look amazing in our classrooms, so parents please come in and have a look at them. We have had so much fun creating our sunflower paintings and using different painting techniques.

Miss Rotondo and Miss Croft

Year 4

In biography writing, we are making new discoveries about interesting people like Willard Wigan. He has dyslexia but this has not stopped him from achieving. This has motivated him to use his imagination to create small worlds. Willard is the only person in the whole world that creates micro-sculptures. You will be amazed by what he has made in a needle’s eye - we were, and one our favourites is the Last Supper.


Father’s Day turned out to be a wonderful event for our fathers but gave us the opportunity to spend a little more time with our dads. The morning started with a delicious breakfast of eggs, sausages and bacon. We all enjoyed eating, talking and laughing with each other. School mornings are so busy, it was nice to spend the time together and show our dads how special they are to us. Mass, as usual, was uplifting. Father Ken always knows the right words to say and always brings a smile to our faces.

Mrs McCarthy, Ms Dean, Miss Mannas and Mrs Peters

Year 6

In Year 6 we have enjoyed an exciting couple of weeks. After having analysed an argument between Woody and Buzz Light Year from Toy Story, we role played situations in which we argued our point of view with a class member. We were given an insight into what to expect in our teenage years when Siena and Natalia played out a very entertaining, and realistic, daughter vs mother scenario.


During our writing time, persuasive devices were our focus. This had us discussing the merits and different ways to incorporate persuasive phrases to get our points of view across to an audience. Fortnite vs Minecraft and Hawks vs Eagles were examples that people had a lot to argue over.


Numeracy took us back to our Kindergarten days of playing with blocks and connectors as we begin learning about volume and cubic measurement. We attempted numerous shapes to visualise and comprehend various sizes.

Miss Figueira and Mr De Pietro

Spotted at Grill'd!

A couple of weeks ago, our Year 3 students went on an excursion to Grill'd in Subiaco. The thank you gift from OLA to Grill'd was spotted by one of our families in pride of place in the store.