Principal's Message

Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows

Our mother of sorrows, with strength from above you stood by the cross, sharing in the sufferings of Jesus, and with tender care you bore Him in your arms, mourning and weeping.


We praise you for your faith, which accepted the life God planned for you. We praise you for your hope, which trusted that God would do great things in you. We praise you for your love in bearing with Jesus the sorrows of His passion.


Holy Mary, may we follow your example, and stand by all your children who need comfort and love.



Mother of God, stand by us in our trials and care for us in our many needs. Pray for us now and at the hour of our death.



Swimming Lessons PP - Year 3

This week, parents of children in Pre-Primary to Year 3 would have received information about Swimming Lessons commencing in Term 4. Please see the attached documents for the enrolment form and information letter from Mrs Stewart. If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Stewart via email

Staffing Changes

This week, Mrs Anella Tollis has been appointed the 3G classroom teacher due to Mrs Vella's resignation. We thank Mrs Vella for all that she contributed to 3G and the OLA community during her time with us. We wish her all the best for the future.


Miss Jade Rotondo will be continuing as the 2G teacher until the end of 2018. When Mrs Meyerkort returns next term, she will be taking on a Support role in place of Mrs Tollis.


We warmly welcome Miss Holly Lombardi to the Support Team and Mr Dylan Ross who will be working in Kindy.

Sensory Program at OLA

If your child has been selected to participate in the Sensory Program commencing next term, you will receive a letter today. Two parent information sessions will be offered next week so that parents of children selected for the program can see sample activities and gain a further understanding of how the program will work. Families are invited to attend one of the sessions, the first session will be held on Monday 17 September at 2.30pm and the second session will be held on Thursday 20 September at 8.50am. Both of these sessions will be held in the Fr O'Mara Centre (Multi-Purpose Hall).


Over the last term we have been monitoring the finishing times of assemblies. We appreciate that some families need to leave at 3.05pm so we will be starting assemblies at 2.15pm commencing next term to ensure we finish on time.


Dates for the assemblies next term are as follows:

- 26 October - Year 2 Assembly

- 9 November - Year 4 Assembly

- 23 November - Pre-Primary Assembly


Please note: In 2019, each class will be performing an item assembly, not each year level.

APPA Conference

Next week, the OLA Leadership Team will be attending the Australian Primary Principals' Association (APPA) Conference. The three-day conference will cover a range of current topics including; Supporting Students with Special Needs, Literacy Leadership, Future-Focused Learning and The Neuroscience of Learning.

ICAS Results

Congratulations to all of the OLA students who participated in the ICAS Assessments this year. Once we have received the results of the final assessment, we will be publishing the children's achievements in the newsletter. Well done!

80s Quiz Night - Thank You

A HUGE thank you to the P&F for the wonderful 80s Rewind Quiz Night on Friday night. A fun  night was had by all and the event raised an incredible amount of money for OLA. Please refer to the P&F page of this newsletter for further information and photos.

Have a great weekend!


Greg Martin
