When will I use this in real life? 


A question that is asked of maths teachers all over the world.


Over the last few weeks in Year 7 Maths we looked at the topic of Measurement. An area that lends itself to real-life application. 


In this instance, students were tasked with measuring, converting and calculating the area and perimeter of different objects around the school. They had a choice in what object they would like to measure, which also means they were differentiating their own learning throughout the task. Would they calculate the area of rectangles, triangles, circles or perhaps composite shapes? 



Each of these shapes have their own degree of difficulty, both in how to measure, and to solve. For those students who even needed an extra challenge, there were practical based questions. For example, how much potting mix (L) would the school need to fill the flower beds that are in the shape of a cylinder? Then if potting mix is $5.65 for 20L, how much would it cost us to fill?!


By students being able to put their learning into practice, it strengthens those connections to the subject (and topic), as well as their classmates - all under the spring sun!


Year 7 Maths Team


The Year 7 ELMS students were given the opportunity to create their own picture puzzle following the completion of the Algebra unit of work.


Below are some photos and their reflections of the task.

In maths ELMS, we had the opportunity of making maths picture problems and sharing it with our fellow classmates to see if they could solve it. Some students had really good picture problems and were almost impossible to solve. Here are some of them, try to see if you can solve them.

Maddie Stancheva


In Maths ELMS, we learnt about problem solving and during class time, we got to create our own picture problem! We got creative and these photos show some of the puzzles we made up. This activity was FUN and educational and I highly recommend that everyone should try it! Have fun solving them!

Rithi Vasudevan


Throughout the course of our journey in maths this year, we applied our skills and abilities of creative thinking to solve problems and undertake our work. To convey the immense significance of this applied skill, we were set to create our own picture problems, in which we made equations using symbols to represent numbers that the audience would have to interpret, and ultimately, solve the problem as a whole. Everyone in our class created fun, engaging, and somewhat challenging puzzles to solve. With the huge help of our teacher, Mrs Gill, we were able to take pictures and share some of the end results. Here they are: I strongly recommend you solve them; they will certainly give you a brain workout!

Leonardo Goldberg


Mrs Kerryn Gill

Year 7 Maths/ELMS/Numeracy Support