Office hours are:                          8:15am - 4:30pm

Telephone:                                                8520 9000


Parents should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or trying to make contact with their children.


Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or email them directly.



Student absences should be reported to the school before 9:00am. Please email the Attendance Officer Courtney Mauger ( or telephone 8520 9050 on the day of the absence by 9:00am. 


A note on the day of return to the General Office is required for absences where no parent contact has been possible.


Late arrival to school

In order to minimise disruption to class and maximise learning opportunities for our students, we would like to remind you of the school policy regarding late arrival to school. Students are expected to be at school at 8:30am. A locker bell rings at 8:35am and class begins punctually at 8:50am. If your child is late for any reason, please notify the school by phone 8520 9050, email or by writing a note in the student's diary explaining the reason. 


If no explanation has been received students are given a pass to class and an after school detention for the following day.


Please ensure that if your child is leaving early or arriving late for any reason that a note needs to be written in the diary so that the teachers are aware too.


If your student needs to leave school early for any reason, please write a note in their diary explaining the reason. Teachers will not allow any student to leave their class unless there is authorisation.


We appreciate your support in this. If you have any questions please call Courtney on 8520 9050.




The Uniform Shop is closing shortly. All online orders need to be collected immediately.


The Shop is operating now on normal hours:

  • Tuesdays  8:15am - 12 noon and
  • Fridays  12.30pm  - 4:00pm.
  • 1st Saturday of the month - 9:30am - 12 Noon


  • Social distancing with limited numbers and masks.
  • No cash - card only.

If you have any second hand items you will need to collect them asap otherwise they will be donated to charity.


All items that are still available are now discounted by 30%.


It is recommended that you attend at the Uniform Shop and purchase your orders direct rather than on line.


Please ensure all school clothes, books and personal property are clearly labelled with the student’s name. Many items are not returned to their rightful owners because they are not labelled correctly or clearly.


USBs should include a folder with the student’s name and form to assist in returning it to the correct person. If you have lost anything see Mrs Plate in the Sick Bay during recess, lunch or end of day.


Place all your school orders with Flexischools App

Our school has now introduced a great new online ordering system for Canteen lunch orders called Flexischools. It will commence on MONDAY 30 NOVEMBER 2020.


Flexischools allows you to place all your lunch orders online in a matter of seconds, at any time of the day for orders the next day or by 9.30am on the day your order is required.

  1. Download the Flexischools App

Note: for iPhone and iPad please select ‘Allow’ notifications.

  1. Add your School and Group

Click on the search icon, enter your school name, select your school and year group, or groups relevant to you. 

  1. Login/Register

Click the ‘Order now’ button located in the bottom right-hand corner of the app, this will open a login screen.

  • Already a Flexischools user - Enter your details and login. To save your login details select ‘remember me’. Click on Profile, Students, “add a student”. You can manage lunch orders at different schools.
  • New Flexischools user - Click ‘Register’, enter your email address and follow the instructions in the email to set up your account. 
    Once your account is set up, add new student; search for our school, enter student details and select their class.

Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, please contact the Flexischools Customer Service Team on 1300 361 769, or you can contact them via their website.The Flexischools system is now available and ready to use from Monday, so we look forward to seeing your next order online.If you have any questions about the online services we are introducing, please ask the school office for more information.