


One of life’s joys (most days!) is being a parent. Children certainly bring forth a range of emotions from you: love, caring, fulfilment and at other times frustration, concern, worry. Having three children of my own taught me a lot about children; each of them definitely has their own personalities, their view of the world and how they deal differently with issues that come their way. 


Being a parent can be a tough gig and it doesn’t get any different as they get older. My children are all adults but my wife and I still worry about some of their choices and how they respond to challenges. 


God has blessed us with children. It is our responsibility to teach and guide them in what is right. I came across the following prayer not so long ago and thought I would share it with you. 


Prayer for Parents

Dear Lord, 

Help me in my divine task of parenthood. 

Help me to see my children’s problems through their eyes;

Keep ever before me my own childhood so that I will not expect too much;

Give me the patience of the silent stars;

Give me a sense of humour.

Help me to win them through love instead of compelling them through fear;

Help me to live my life above doubt and scepticism; 

Help me to radiate faith in the basic goodness of life; 

Help me keep the ideals of youth aglow in my own life.

Give me the strong hand for guidance when youth falters and would turn back; 

Help me to teach them to love bravely and to meet defeat courageously;

Help me to teach them that the value of their lives will be measured by the service they give.

Help me to teach them that true happiness is found not in things, but in the unfolding of their minds and their souls.

Help me to make my life go on in theirs, bigger, finer, nobler than I ever dared to be. 

Lord give me the strength and the wisdom to be the best parent that I can be. 



