News from the

School Psychologist

Mrs Rebecca Anderson

RUOK Day 2020


This Thursday 10 September is RUOK Day.


RUOK Day is a National Day of action to remind all Australians that every day is a good day to ask someone “Are you OK?” 


2020 has been a year like no other, and the challenges we have faced and continue to face make it even more important for us to stay connected and for those who are able, to be willing to support those around us. 


You don’t need to be an expert to ask someone how they are or to continue the conversation if they tell you they’re not.


If you feel like something’s not quite the same with someone you know, perhaps you notice a change in what they’re saying or doing, trust your instinct and take the time to ask them “Are you OK?”


Knowing what to say can help someone feel supported and can encourage them to access appropriate professional support. 


There are 4 steps to checking in with someone if you’re concerned:


A conversation can make a difference. Today, and every day, is a good day to meaningfully connect with someone and ask R U O K?


This year the message is “There’s more to say after RUOK


Take time to listen, encourage action and check in again to see how they’re going. Use the resources at to learn how to ask and how to keep the conversation going. 


Thursday 10th September is RUOK Day but every day is a good day to ask someone “R U OK?”



Bec Anderson

School Psychologist
