Kate Lonergan, LOTE & International Coordinator

Host Families

Do you have a spare room? Would you like to share South Australian life with a Japanese studentWe are growing our homestay network and are continually recruiting new host families to participate in the International Study Tour Program by hosting Japanese high school students. Study Tours are usually for two weeks during July/August each year. During this time they will experience Australian school and family life and participate in excursions and school activitiesAs some students would not have visited Australia before it gives them a chance to learn a different culture, practice their English skills and live the Australian life for the duration of their visit.


For the duration of their visit the students stay with accredited host families which are organised through the school. The students are usually between 15 and 17 years of age.


Here is a testimonial from a Homestay family:

‘We have been hosting international students for the past 3 years and it has been an amazing experience for everyone in the family. We found that hosting has brought us together as a family and we feel our family has grown substantially with members all over the world. For anyone thinking of hosting we say “Give it a go”, you will not regret it. It is such a wonderful experience and it will enrich your lives’.
The Siemensma family

International Program

We are delighted to welcome two students commencing with us this term. One from Germany and one from Japan. We wish them all the best with their studies and enjoy learning about South Australia.


As borders are now open we will have more International students commencing their study abroad programs us 2022.

International Ambassador Program at Aberfoyle Park High School

The International Program at Aberfoyle Park High School would not be the same without the support of our International Ambassadors.  Students from all year levels volunteer their time to be part of the International Program. This involves ‘buddying up’ with new international students when they arrive, helping them find their way around school and generally make the international students feel welcome. We are looking for new International Ambassadors in all year levels.


If you would like to apply to be an International Ambassador please contact the International Student Program Manager.