Nick Rodda, Teacher

During 2021 as part of the school Mathematics Club three students Sev, Julia and Ashwin chose to partake in the International Youth Mathematics Competition (IYMC). In the school’s first ever submission of students to this competition we were pleasantly surprised to find that all three passed the qualifying round into the pre-final round! In November, given five days to solve a number of problems and submit online, Julia and Ashwin passed the pre-final round and were into the Final Round!


Near the end of December, Julia and Ashwin both sat the final round online. This exam was tough! Both were given 30 questions to complete with topics ranging from calculus to probability theory to complex arithmetic. All of this with one small caveat; only 60 seconds per question!


Both students took to the challenge exceedingly well, passing all three rounds with flying colours. Ashwin received silver honours and was placed within the top 10% of all competitors. Julia also received silver honours and placed within the top 5% of all competitors. An exceptional effort on an international stage! Congratulations to Julia and Ashwin!