Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome Back to 2022:
Welcome back to what has been a busy, and exciting start to 2022 already for both staff and students of Lyndhurst Secondary College!
As a college, our planning for a successful 2022 commenced last year, with the Leadership Team developing our five key actions for 2022 in our Annual Implementation Plan. For 2022, we will be focusing on the following 5 actions to improve student outcomes:
- Developing a whole school literacy and numeracy strategy to improve how we identify and cater for students needing extra support or extension
- Develop staff data literacy so we can better understand the learning needs of our students
- Review the curriculum offered at LSC and refine this so students have more opportunity for voice and choice in their learning programs
- Support students to develop, feel and contribute to a sense of pride, respect and connectedness at LSC
- Establish effective pre-conditions for learning (focusing on attendance, making sure students have their resources for learning, positive behaviour, access to ICT and positive mental health)
Our staff started the year with 2 days of professional learning which included a variety of sessions to ensure we were ready to welcome back our students. This included a half day PL with Foundation House to learn more about how best to support young people from refugee, migrant and trauma backgrounds, a session focused on our goals for 2022 and how we will all work together to reach these, as well as important time for staff to collaborate to get lessons ready for the first couple of weeks.
On Tuesday 1st February, we welcomed back our Year 11 and 12 students, all of whom have now commenced their formal classes after their two day start up program. This included sessions to build students’ knowledge and understanding of how to be successful in 2022, as well as important time to practice things such as their critical thinking skills, as well as mindfulness and resilience strategies.
We also welcomed our new Year 7's on Tuesday 1st February. It was great to see our students with their brand new uniforms and bags full of resources ready to learn. Our Year 7's have spent all of week 1 in specialised sessions to really make sure they are ready for life as a Lyndhurst Learner. This includes sessions on meeting people in their homegroups, learning how to seek help or support if needed and connecting to the IT systems at school.
Our Year 8, 9 and 10 students all returned on Wednesday 2nd and engaged with a 3 day start up program to ensure they too are ready for a big 2022 school year. Their sessions included similar activities focused on getting refamiliar with life at school, as well as sessions about getting more involved at school. This included things such as developing a playlist for our bell music, an proposal to improve the College to go to our brand new Innovations Committee, and many more.
As we commence the new school year, it is important that all students are resourced with what they need to be successful learners. We ask that all parents and carers ensure their students have access to the following key items:
- Full and correct school uniform to wear each day
- All required stationery, books and equipment for their classes
- A functioning laptop device to be able to engage with digital learning
I have included some important information below on each of these three key items for successful learning for parents/carers.
I look forward to a great 2022 leading the college, and am excited to share how we are working to improve the school and learning experiences for students over the course of the year.
Ms Eloise Haynes