Curriculum News 

Welcome to Week 3 

At the beginning of the year the teachers, learning support officers, administration staff and school leaders worked together to unpack our school vision. 

St Bede’s School Vision Statement

With Bede as our model and Christ as our everlasting light, we strive to build a Catholic school community where each is given time and support to learn to know, to do, to live together and to be. 

Christus Dies Aeterna Nostra

Christ our everlasting light. Christ our everlasting day.

With new staff this year, coming off the back of two years of a pandemic it is great to be able to go back to our school vision and ask ourselves questions, such as; 

  • What does our school vision mean for us today in 2022? 
  • How do we enact and live out our vision? 

The teachers worked collaboratively together to discuss, explore and investigate what our school vision means for us today and discovered that we as school would like to have a few values that underpin everything we do. And so our journey began… 

This year as a whole school community we will work together to identify a few key values that guide and support us to be the best vision of ourselves. These values will be imperative in how we interact with each other and will form the foundation of our relationships and restorative practice. 

The above image was created by a graphic recorder who captured all of our thinking on the day. This is 1 of 3 pieces that was created. This term staff will use this image and the other two images in an attempt to identify our key values. A similar process will be followed with students and then again our wider parent community. 

We look forward to working with our whole school community to create clarity and consistency whilst we strive to be all that we can be.  


Kahli Schroder 

Wellbeing and Literacy Leader 


Larissa Boyhan 

Deputy Principal and Learning and Teaching Leader